Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today just started

I still can't even read the bible right now.....this is what bothers me if there is a God my God who I have always felt until this situation arose then why does my God allow this in fact why does he allow all the bad thi9ngs to happen? I was taught that nothing happens without God allowing it, He has a plan for everything right? Well what is his plan for me? I am supposed to continue to stand by my husband and ignore the fact I feel nothing towards him right now? I think I am very angry at God right now for allowing this....I just wanted to get married to a "normal" man that I could have a "normal life" with and have a bunch of "normal" kids what the heck is wrong with that......I am numb and angry and wish he could start counseling right away not wait until the 14th and he works a lot so i don't even know he is here except the hour he is here in the afternoon but he leaves early and comes home late and for that I am grateful. I feel so disconnected right now

1 comment:

  1. I realize I am an atheist however, maybe my past can help you.
    According to the bible God does not always want what is best for you physically, maybe this is a trial meant to help you grow spiritually.
    Also remember Job, God allowed and even encouraged some very bad things to happen to him simply to test his faith.
    Now again, I understand I am an atheist- regardless whether I believe this or not maybe I helped (I hope)
