Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The primary mission of the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program is to employ asset forfeiture powers in a manner that enhances public safety and security. This is accomplished by removing the proceeds of crime and other assets relied upon by criminals and their associates to perpetuate their criminal activity against our society. Asset forfeiture has the power to disrupt or dismantle criminal organizations that would continue to function if we only convicted and incarcerated specific individuals. The Federal Asset Forfeiture Program is normally used when a case does not meet the minimum requirements of the State Asset Forfeiture Program or when a district attorney is unable to file a forfeiture case. If federal and state legislature did not include asset forfeiture then the authorities may not be able to react quickly and cut off the criminal’s funding, the authorities can freeze the bank accounts of these individuals. All the proceeds from the sale of assets that are forfeited such as property, vehicles, and businesses and so on are then used by law enforcement to assist in better training and equipment. That sounds fair to me, if you don’t want your assets seized then obey the law. I think the main goal of these laws is to deter criminal activity and also make more resources available to law enforcement. Anti drug legislation has evolved over the years and changed. Asset forfeiture has the power to disrupt or dismantle criminal organizations that would continue to function if we only convicted and incarcerated specific individuals

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